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The First Christmas – a Poem

red lighted candle

Advent once again reminds us
of promises made long ago
and revealed by many prophets
bestowed with the wisdom to know.
Somehow, somewhere in the darkness
an eternal light would shine forth
bringing with it the love, joy and peace
that an ailing world had long sought.

Take time out, then, to remember
amidst our busy, modern lives,
why we prepare and watch and wait
for that which is drawing nigh.
It's a story we all know so well
forever old, forever new,
it's message is everlasting
here and now as it was then, too.

The First Christmas

Long ago in days gone by
when life was very new,
in a dark and draughty stable
with a manger for a cradle
a child's first breath he drew.

Ox and ass looked on in wonder
at the child before them lay,
within the hay snugly holding
the tiny form for warmth enfolding,
that very first Christmas Day.

First shepherds came rejoicing
to see the newborn babe,
humbly praising they knelt in wonder
for the chains of evil would be rent asunder
by the child who came to save.

Three Wise Men from distance far
brought gifts Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh,
they worshipped him and gazed in peace
at one whose love will never cease
nor pain, nor death deter.

May the faith that led the shepherds
the star that led the three,
guide you, keep you and defend you
direct your steps on the path of truth
along the winding road to eternity.

Poem by Adele Garner, Local Preacher – December 2023

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