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Pastoral letter from the Co-Superintendent – Spring 2025

sheep lamb animals lamb lamb lamb lamb nature lamb

Dear all,

As I write this we have left 2024 behind us and have Spring 2025 on the horizon. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 5th March and we look forward to the joy of Easter morning on 20th April where we will share again in the telling of that great event, Christ risen from the dead bringing the hope of new, eternal life. Also, at this time of year, the signs of new life begin to peek through the grey tones of winter to lift our hopes for the coming year.

Firstly tender snowdrops venture out, though barely able to break through frosted ground; and shortly after crocus', daffodils and primroses clothed in their finest yellows and purples, crafted from the most delicate materials, such that they bring joy to all who set eyes upon them.

Next come the tiny buds beginning to form on tree branches, gently and slowly unfurling as they begin the journey through vibrant, pinky blossoms towards the fullness of leafy summer. Soon they will provide shelter and nurturing for a variety of creatures, not to mention the environmental protection they provide for the planet itself. And who of us isn't delighted to see the newborn lambs suckling proud ewes or gambolling in verdant pastures.

As far as the manse is concerned these wonderful glimpses of new life also herald an invasion of ants, mainly out-doors though some do venture across the threshold; needless to say that these do not lift my spirit in quite the same way! In the end though I suppose it is all a question of perspective, I realised as much when I read a piece of prose entitled Meditation on the first of May by Isaac Watts. His hymns, prose and poetry show us the divine mystery of God in all of creation, even in the most seemingly insignificant creatures.

Here is an excerpt from his meditation:

'What an exquisite world of wonders is complicated even in the body of every little insect – an ant, a gnat, a mite, that is scarce visible to the naked eye. Admirable engines! which a whole academy of philosophers could never contrive, which the nation of poets has neither art nor colours to describe, nor has a world of mechanics skill enough to frame the plainest and coarsest of them.

Their nerves, their muscles and the minute atoms which compose the fluids fit to run in the little channels of their veins, escape the notice of the most sagacious mathematician, with all his aid of glasses. The active powers and curiosity of human nature are limited in their pursuit and must be content to lie down in ignorance.

It is a sublime and constant triumph over all the intellectual powers of man which the greatest God maintains in every moment in the inimitable works of nature – in these impenetrable recesses and mysteries of divine art'.

So as springtime unfolds may we rejoice at the signs of new life in nature that portend the greatest joy known to humankind – the new life for all in the risen Christ, and may you be richly blessed by this season of signs and wonders.

Every blessing,

Rev'd Jayne Webb

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