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Climate change cycle ride around UK

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john kime

Following the 42 Cathedrals Cycle route, Gloucestershire Methodist Minister the Revd John Kime is cycling up and across England bearing a letter from the church's Bristol District Chair, the Revd Dr Jonathan Pye, highlighting the urgent issue of Climate Change and Climate Justice.

The letter, which is being delivered to local Methodist Chairs at each of his stops, calls for action to support actions which will care for creation in a proactive way, to lobby the government which is hosting the COP 26 talks in Glasgow for lasting commitments to care for our planet, and to individually take steps 'to tread more lightly upon this earth'.

Rev'd John Kime is Minister of St John's Northgate and Barton Street Methodist Churches in Gloucester and says using his bike is a completely carbon neutral opportunity to make the point about the earth's resources. "We are hoping every Methodist area will, as part of a wider debate, bring about change. Heating our churches with old boilers requires finance and planning if we are to move into greener alternatives. During my ride I will deliver Dr Pye's letter and seek to bless every Methodist area with a Celtic Prayer".

Revd John aims to be back in Gloucestershire in the middle of June.

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