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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officer

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officer

Background Information
The purpose of this post is to support the Circuit in its intention to value every human being as part of God's creation and the whole people of God. This comes from Strategy for justice, dignity and solidarity in the Methodist Church and Conference report. Focusing on the distinct communities and groups that the Circuit serves, the post holder will provide advice on equality, diversity and inclusion by collaboratively working across the Circuit, leading on developing, delivering and assessing equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives and activities.

To oversee, support and encourage the implementation of Justice, Dignity and Solidarity programme for inclusion.

Main Tasks

  • Share the Justice, Solidarity & Solidarity strategy of The Methodist Church and the resources available to every church member with reference to: The Inclusive Methodist Church. To support churches in the implementation of this strategy. Link in with the Bristol District and wider Connexional EDI Officers for support and to share good practice
  • To assist the development of strategy and policy-making, to implement a Circuit EDI policy; develop and manage a Circuit EDI action plan leading on and developing initiatives and actions which will encourage inclusion, participation and leadership development. In addition, scoping out long term and future Circuit EDI aims and needs
  • Attend regular EDI training opportunities and cascade this learning throughout the Circuit. To 'sign off' any assessment that has been carried out in relation to various pieces of work
  • To be aware of, and familiar with, the processes and tools for use in this strategy, including The Discrimination Response System, the Truth and Reconciliation process, and the Personal Responsibility Covenant. Offer accurate, up to date, relevant EDI advice to the Circuit Executive and ensure that Circuit processes and policies comply with equality and human rights legislation
  • To ensure that disclosures, and responses, are 'tracked' so that churches are not able to continue discrimination in the same way in the future
  • To monitor whether churches are living out this EDI strategy, particularly by listening to the people worst effected by any bad practice. Encourage all Church Council meetings to have EDI as an agenda item, working with ministers and Church Council secretaries to provide explanations as to why this is an essential part of church life

Responsible To
Social and Climate Justice Portfolio Holder.


  • Internal: Social and Climate Justice Portfolio Holder, Social and Climate Justice Team and the Circuit Executive
  • External Bristol District EDI Officer, Rev Rachel Leather, South West Learning Network team.

Meetings to Attend
Social and Climate Justice Team quarterly meetings on zoom, led by Portfolio Holder Suz Jones.

Time Commitment
Flexible hours to suit the person appointed and to attend dates set on the calendar of Circuit events as required.

Equipment Needed
Access to ICT and internet connection in order to attend online meetings and receive emails.

Travel expenses will be paid at the agreed Connexional rate for volunteers. Receipted expenses agreed in advance with the Superintendent, necessarily incurred in the performance of the duties, will be reimbursed.

Review Procedure
This role is subject to annual appointment by the Circuit Assembly. Appointments will not normally be renewed after six successive years.

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Registered Charity No. 1136205

Get In Touch
01452 415769

By post to:

Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit Office
PO Box 3303

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© 2025 – Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit