We are a community of all ages who love God, find life and hope in the way of Jesus, and seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit in all that we do. We hold together the rich and broad tradition of Christianity with insights and understandings from the present, and this is reflected in our theology and variety of worship.
Bethesda is a place where everyone is encouraged to be themselves, wherever they might find themselves in life; however they might describe their faith or the lack of it. We ask questions and wonder at answers, deepening our understanding of the call to discipleship through worship, learning together and nurturing faith.
We are a community of people who affirm God's creation of diverse human identities, including ethnicity, gender and sexuality.
We have various Worship Resources available for use, please contact the church for more information.
We are on a journey of faith. Come and join us.
Registered Charity No. 1136205
01452 415769
By post to:
Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit Office
PO Box 3303