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Methodist  Circuit
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St Michael's is a shared church with Methodists and Anglicans working together. A traditional congregation sits alongside a new congregation of non-church folk from the local estate led by the Anglican Pioneer Minister James White. Alongside this 'The Cornerstone' is a thriving community centre, with both full time staff and a team of volunteers and a very large and varied range of activities. St Michael's is a church on the edge – the edge of two communities and estates, the edge of growth, the edge of mission, the edge of serving the disadvantaged – of whom there are many in our community. This is an exciting place to be, if you live in the area do come and see what goes on.

In 1907 a "Mission Room" was established in the area, sent out from All Saints. As the large local council housing estates in the Whaddon area were constructed it was realised that a mission church was needed and in 1937 a 'semi-permanent' church and hall were opened. In time these became outdated and the striking new church was opened in 1966, with the halls continuing in use. Talks began about sharing with the Methodists, but these were pre-empted by an arson attack on the 1937 built Whaddon Methodist Church, thus the two congregations came together in 1996, the money paid out by the insurance company being used to build a new community centre on the site of the old halls – The Cornerstone Centre.

We have various Worship Resources available for use, please contact the church for more information.

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Registered Charity No. 1136205

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01452 415769

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Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit Office
PO Box 3303

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© 2025 – Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit