The Churchdown Methodist Church was built in a picturesque orchard in Chapel Hay Lane and was opened on 30 April 1903. Further extensions were added to the Church over the years and the last major development was in 2000 following a partial demolition and rebuild into meeting rooms and renovation of the Church Hall with a kitchen and a Youth Hall. This provides excellent facilities for weekday and weekend youth groups. The Ladies Circle meet every Wednesday afternoon with the Men's Group meeting on the first Monday of each month. We have our Sunday School for under 11 year olds as well as monthly Messy Church on a Saturday afternoon. Fellowship can be found in a number of house groups, a Coffee Pot on Wednesday mornings, a prayer group and a mother and child stay and pray group.
We have various Worship Resources available for use, please contact the church for more information.
Registered Charity No. 1136205
01452 415769
By post to:
Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit Office
PO Box 3303