Drybrook Methodist Church was built in 1859 of Forest stone almost in the centre of the village. Our premises are well maintained with a small pleasant garden.
We meet for worship most Sunday's and occasionally join friends at Bailey Lane End Methodist Church. Children are always very welcome.
We welcome people to our many other activities; tea, toast and chat, craft groups, informal worship, prayer meetings, Bible Fellowship and coffee mornings.
We have a Youth Room complete with coffee bar housed underneath the church. It's used by CANDI (a local initiative) as a drop-in centre and for the Youth Club which is run by the minister and church members.
We also host occasional day time talks and provides a meeting place where friendships are developed.
We have various Worship Resources available for use, please contact the church for more information.
01452 415769
By post to:
Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit Office
PO Box 3303