As a smallish village church we see ourselves as a kind of corner shop, aiming to cater for the whole range of ages and backgrounds in and around our parish. We have been in partnership with the Methodist Church since 1987, so our notice board says 'Randwick Parish Church welcomes people of all denominations'. Our services cover a range of different styles.
We have very close links with our Church Primary School who regularly use the building for their worship and other events. There is always an evening House Group during Lent and sometimes in other seasons, and a Prayer Group on Friday mornings.
The Village Choir meets on Wednesday evenings in the church and often supports special services as well as Christmas Carols and Easter Music and Readings. There are bell ringers and flower arrangers and a Monthly Coffee Morning which welcomes several who are usually homebound.
We have various Worship Resources available for use, please contact the church for more information.
01452 415769
By post to:
Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit Office
PO Box 3303